The overall project objective is: To seed the culture of gender equality in the public and to raise public awareness on the legal background in effect in Albania concerning gender-based discrimination and violence.
The project is organized through 2 different components:
1. Supplement 1: For the implementation of this Project CDDI published two newspaper supplements on gender issues, focusing on women and discrimination. For the first supplement CDDI started by choosing three Albanian Daily Newspapers (“Shekulli”, “Panorama”, “Standart”) and signing a Cooperation Memorandum with each of them. The Methodology for the first supplement followed with choosing the journalists that worked on the articles and interviews, photographers and other people working for specifics such as, layout, printing, editing and distribution. CDDI used a full time and part time staff for the project implementation, a total of 12 people. The first supplement was distributed on November 24 2007.
2. Supplement 2: The second supplement followed the same methodology of the first supplement, but as soon as work began this time CDDI organized a meeting to exchange feedback with the whole staff, exchange ideas and rearrange the responsibilities if necessary, in order to have excellent results and show noticeable improvement from the first supplement. The distribution of the second supplement coincided with the 8-th of March, women day. By being distributed in this day the second supplement served as a powerful means to raise awareness to Albanian Women and for the whole Albanian society regarding gender-based discrimination and violence.